
What is HIV?

Living with HIV

Sexually transmitted infections

Get tested

Protect yourself

Sex between men


On this page you will find necessary contacts – addresses, phone numbers and working hours.

If you want to get tested for HIV, find the closest:

  • HIV counselling and testing cabinet. HIV counselling and testing clinics are open to everyone aged 16 and older. Testing is confidential and free of charge. In addition to HIV, free-of-charge testing also includes hepatitis B and C.
  • Youth counselling centre where free-of-charge testing for HIV is available to all young people up to the age of 26 years – also those with no health insurance. Testing for HIV at youth counselling centres is not anonymous, but the test results are only available to the doctor and the person being tested.

An HIV test is also possible at general practitioners’ offices.

Under contacts for Counselling services for people with HIV you will find contacts for psychological, social and experience counselling to help you adjust to living with HIV and cope better.

  • If you need help with adjusting to the diagnosis, a psychologist will help you. A psychologist can also help you tell your close ones that you have HIV, and offer family therapy.
  • A social worker helps improve social coping and prevent health and social issues (including unemployment) from arising. Where necessary, a social worker will help you with documents, in financial issues, budget planning, finding employment and/or necessary courses and refresher training, applying for lodging or a place at a shelter or social housing, referral to day centre services, getting medical attention, food aid, and other relevant information.
  • An experience counsellor is a person who has HIV and who can draw from their own experience to explain to you the nature of the disease, the associated risks and ARV therapy. They can motivate you and explain to you in plain language why it is important to take medication and go to doctor’s appointments. An experience counsellor will help you make contact with an attending physician.

If you have HIV and you want to make an appointment with an infectious disease doctor, then here you will find the necessary contacts and direct links to making an appointment. If you have been diagnosed with HIV, ARV therapy must be started as soon as possible no matter how long ago you were infected. To get started on ARV therapy you first have to see an infectious disease doctor. While getting the treatment you will have to go to an infectious disease doctor regularly for check-ups and analyses. ARV therapy and drugs are free for Estonian residents regardless of their health insurance status.

For men who like men, here are contacts for free sexual health check-up. It means diagnostics and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and HIV and related consultation service for men who have sex with men (MSM). MSM sexual health check-up is confidential and free of charge regardless of your health insurance status!