
What is HIV?

Living with HIV

Sexually transmitted infections

Get tested

Protect yourself

Sex between men

Get tested


Why should you get tested?

Testing is the only way to find out whether you have been infected with HIV or another sexually transmitted infection.

Get tested if:

  • You have had unprotected sex;
  • You have a history of multiple sex partners;
  • You have used other people’s syringes or needles; and
  • You suspect that you have been infected.

By getting tested you can keep your health under control. Knowing for sure that you are not infected will give you peace of mind. Should testing reveal an infection, you will be able to start treatment in time. Many sexually transmitted infections can be treated. With HIV you can keep the further spread of the virus in your body under control with treatment and continue living an ordinary and full life.

If you have been tested for HIV and other STIs and you know your status, you can be sure not to inadvertently pass on any diseases.

You may not think of yourself as at risk for diseases but the regular health check-ups of every sexually active person should include getting tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. HIV may weaken your body for years without you knowing that you have the virus. People exhibit STI symptoms differently – with some infections there may be no specific symptoms at all or they may disappear after a while. This, however, does not mean that you have been cured and that the disease has left your body.